Donna Everhart

First Sentence Friday

Still in catch up mode!  This week I’m sharing the first sentences in Chapters 5, 6, and 7.


In the early spring of 1969, when the yellow dust of pollen was heavy in the air, I noticed Mama’s discontent had wrapped even further around her, covering her like a shroud, becoming something we couldn’t ignore.


While Daddy was still gone, Mama began what I’d call a campaign, intent on telling certain folks, mostly strangers, that while she was in Alabama, she’d never be happy.


When Daddy came back from his trip, I wanted to ask him if he knew anyone named Suggs, and why Mama was so godawful worried about not being known as white trash, but the bribe of ice cream cones and her warning were enough to keep my mouth shut.


***I’m using #FirstSentenceFridays on Twitter and tagging @Kensington Publishing Corporation.  Follow along and tweet out/share if you’d like!***

18 thoughts on “First Sentence Friday”

  1. The recurrence of mama and daddy have me smiling. Mom and I were talking just last night about the very particular pronunciation a certain accent has, of “DEa-ddy.” We still talk about my grandma as mom’s “mama” and I call my own mom mama when I intend to convey the strongest affection. Dad and daddy were interchangeable, but when I wanted to be most affectionate with him, he was papa-san. 🙂

    1. I’ve always called my mother, Mom. Never Mama, even though I’m southern. And Dad was always Dad, not Daddy. I think this was my mother’s northern influence…

      My ex is from eastern NC, a place in Greene County called Snow Hill. He, and his siblings used to call their Daddy, “Diddy.” His mother (Miss Dorothy) used to call salad, “salat.” I’ve got a cookbook that’s not that old, (maybe about 35 yrs or so) that has recipes and little stories about traditions and dialect. I’m using it as “research” in my next book. 🙂

      1. Wow–I’m about 10 miles from Snow Hill. 🙂

        Again, great first sentences. Anticipation building…

      2. Okay, and further Friday freakiness? I thought about you when I typed eastern NC. How’s that for spine tingly? 😉

    1. It’s funny…I put each sentence in and then I read the next and the next…and think, shoot, maybe I should have called it FiveSentenceFridays, or something, so I could keep on! Thanks Jen!

  2. What a fun idea! I love the ‘voice’ – it exudes from every sentence here. Looking forward to reading the whole thing 🙂

    1. When I first signed with my agent, it was the “voice,” he loved, aside from the overall story. It’s voice I’m always intent on when I write, so for you both to comment on it means a lot! Thank you Lennon and Angie!

  3. I didn’t comment last Friday but I your very first sentence is still ringing in my head. I think you could give us one a week even after publication. so then we could quote our fav’s.

    I’ve got chills. The yellow dust of pollen. I plan to go to Shakespeare and Co this afternoon to preorder. I don’t want to buy it off Amazon.

    1. I’ve been visiting the local independent bookstores for the past few weeks, taking my press release, the book plates, (actual cover of first edition print) and basically introducing myself as a local author. I love every one I’ve been to.

      I’m glad you liked that first sentence! I have to say, something rather coincidental happened as far as first sentences go. In the very beginning, when I sat down to write this story – it wasn’t that sentence. As you can imagine there’s only been a bazillion versions of that first draft. But, I do remember the one I had originally, and what’s a little uncanny about it is, it’s similar to what the Copy Editor wrote for the back flap. Kensington wrote, “In 1969, Dixie Dupree is eleven years old and already an expert liar.” MY very first sentence for this book was “My name is Dixie Dupree, I’m eleven years old and an expert liar.”

      1. Interesting…thank you for letting me know – I’m going to ask Kensington about independent stores overseas, and see how that will work.

  4. If your goal was whetting someone’s appetite … um, I’m Someone. November? Really? You’re getting even more cruel than I ever thought you were, Donna. C’mon!

      1. Oh my gosh, yes yes yes. Good way. Kinda like cruel to be kind, but this was cruel in a good way. Absolutely.

        Still… you’re really being cruel with the tease here!

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