Donna Everhart

THANK YOU Social Media Supporters!

Accomplishments, milestones, achievements, whatever you want to call them, it dawned on me last week there were these individual markers that would be reached by the time I did my next blog post.  With that in mind, I wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU to those of you who have helped me reach these goals!  Without your support, and the time you took to visit me in any of these places I’m listing below, I wouldn’t be able to write about this today.


  1. Two year Blog anniversary!  It’s hard to believe I’ve been doing the blog for two years.  When I started I couldn’t fathom what I’d “talk” about on a regular basis.  Then again, I do like to go on (and on) about writing, and my books, and my hope to be published…to anyone who cares to read about it.
  2. Therefore, this is my 60th post
  3. And…there have been over 2,500 views.  (thanks to the eyes reading this right now!  🙂   )  Now, in the grand scheme of successful blogs, I know this is not huge, but still!  I recollect looking at my stats and seeing the number in the 100’s.  I never thought it would get to this many – EVER.
  4. And most important, I have 30 followers.  Again, I’m amazed and grateful.  Thank you, thank you!  (I know, gushing here, but honestly, you all are great!)

Twitter and Linked In:

  1. I just reached over 1,000 Twitter followers – whether they really care that they are following me, I have no clue.  But, there they are, and I’m thankful to all of them!
  2. Somehow, some way, I’ve not yet figured this out, my LinkedIn profile was one of the top 10% most viewed in 2012.  I guess that ain’t too shabby considering they said they have over 200M members.  Again, I’m still trying to figure this one out.  (i.e. did the other 199,999,999M members get the memo?) 

So, there you have it.  What I’d really like to post about is a book contract as one of the “accomplishments.”  But for now, I’m happy and content with these steps taken towards building online presence, and grateful for the support I’ve had from all of you who read the blog, have checked out my profile on LinkedIn, and even decided I might have some “tweetable” moments.

Three cheers to you!  You all are amazing!

I      Image   all of you…!

2 thoughts on “THANK YOU Social Media Supporters!”

  1. A successful blog is one that perseveres. Staying with it for two years makes you more successful that 90 percent of the others who start.

    You might want to be skeptical about that Linked In honor. Several people I know received the same notice, and were similarly surprised.

    I’ll keep coming back to read about that book contract.

    1. Thanks Paul! Yeah, good thing I am cynical about that kind of stuff. (i.e. “when it seems too good to be true…” well then…)

      I’ve been to your site as well – and love, LOVE, your writing style for your blog. I’m working my way through your stories (the ones I can get to)…I read “Moron Saturday.” I’ll stop by and give you my “two cents.”

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