Donna Everhart

First Sentence and Free Book Friday!

Hello, readers!

Welcome to this week’s installment of First Sentence Friday/Free Book Friday!

I have always thought long and hard about the role women play in my stories, and I’m partial to writing about strong females facing what seem like insurmountable odds. To tell the truth,  women’s lives were more complicated and difficult the farther back in history you go. I believe in general, even today, women are viewed as the backbone of the family with regard to the home front. By home front, I mean the physical location, i.e., the house itself, and the work that goes into creating comfort, love and a sense of protection. Keeping with Joetta’s time/era, men were obviously an integral part of the family dynamic, as well. They were responsible for providing financially, as well as contributing toward other resources, including food. In Joetta’s time, and in particular, a time of war, it was the women left behind who maintained a place of solace and cheerfulness. To achieve this took not only physical labor above and beyond what they were used to, but an extraordinarily strong mental fortitude. It required a special touch, a softness and extra regard to care for loved ones in highly stressful situations.



Joetta did work hard, attempting to ensure their days went along as usual.


This week’s FREE book is a copy of bestselling #TheSaintsofSwallowHill! If you haven’t read it yet, and would like this copy, tell me what home means to you, today? What makes it special to you?



Pre-orders gauge the interest and signal to the publisher readers are eager for an author’s work! Please consider pre-ordering because it really does help! If you’re holding out because you might win an ARC or a finished copy, remember you can always give away the extra as a gift to one of your reader friends. ????

Pre-order links for your convenience:

Kensington Publishing Corporation

Barnes & Noble




Last, but not least, don’t forget to:

See you all next week!



10 thoughts on “First Sentence and Free Book Friday!”

  1. Home is a refuge, a sanctuary, a place where I can be my most authentic self. As a child with my father being career military, we moved frequently. I learned then to treasure my home as that’s where people I loved would be and where I’d be surrounded by some familiarity.

    1. Yes. I love that, “be my most authentic self.” And I also agree about family/familiarity. You can move into a strange house, but with the familiar faces, objects, it alters that strangeness.

  2. Stephanie Belcher

    To me, home is where I am rooted. I have often described myself like a vine, I have these little feelers that attach themselves. I am comfortable, I thrive, and I grow! I’ve lived in the mountains of NC for 27 years, in what I believe will be my forever home for 21 years…this is Home…I can’t imagine being anywhere else ❤

    1. My husband and I talk about moving to the NC mountains all the time! It’s so beautiful there. We go at least once a year for a week, just to breathe in the mountain air.

  3. Barbara B McInerney

    I can’t wait to read this book after you joined our book club discussion today! This first sentence just whets my appetite for a strong women character like Rae Lynn.

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